You Are Not Alone
You Are Not Alone

Donating to Survivors of Homicide

As a non-profit agency we do not charge for our services, however we still have many expenses that are not covered by our grant. In order to provide the best services that we can we heavily rely on private donations, which are tax deductible.


We are also honored to have received the The Independent Charities Seal of Excellence in 2016. Fewer than 2,500 non-profits across the country have been awarded this seal and is a testament to how carefully we spend our donation funds.

Ways to Donate

          Pay Pal

You can make a secure donation through Pay Pal 

Connecticut State Employee Campaign for Charitable Giving    

Allows Connecticut State Employees to contribute to non-profit charities at the workplace through the convenience of payroll deduction

Set Up a Facebook            Fundraiser

It is fast, easy, and we receive 100% of all            donations.

  Shopping Online

We are a partner with many online stores including E-Bay and Amazon. See how your every day shopping can help us raise much needed funds.


      Venmo Name @survivorsofhomicide

     Cash App

   Cash App Name



We have a printable donation form that can be mailed to our office


Will provide five copies of “The Murder Survivor’s Handbook” by Connie Saindon that is given out to all new members.



What Can My Donation Do?


Will purchase a court support bag for families that include literature, notebooks, and other materials to help them through the criminal justice process.




Will help provide food and refreshments to families going through a trial as they are not allowed to be brought into the courthouse by the public. 



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© Survivors of Homicide, Inc. 860.257.7388